Jika Anda menginginkan sesuatu yang belum pernah anda miliki, Anda harus bersedia melakukan sesuatu yang belum pernah Anda lakukan.


Cara memulai adalah dengan berhenti berbicara dan mulai melakukan. The way to get started is to quit talking and begin doing.


Bibit kepercayaan yang paling kecil masih lebih baik dari buah kebahagiaan yang terbesar. The smallest seed of faith is better than the largest fruit of happiness.


Visi tanpa eksekusi adalah lamunan. Eksekusi tanpa visi adalah mimpi buruk. Vision without execution is a daydream. Execution without vision is a nightmare.


Cara memulai adalah dengan berhenti berbicara dan mulai melakukan. The way to get started is to quit talking and begin doing.

Kamis, 25 Oktober 2012

Indikator QuickFibo atau Auto Fibbonaci

Auto Fibo....
indikator ini cocok buat para trader yang suka main dengan fibonacci, ada beberapa level psikologis pasar yang biasanya di lewati oleh market untuk reversal atau melanjutkan trennya....seperti gambar diatas yg saya lingkari adalah level-level psikologis market...

indikatornya bisa ada download disini :

semoga bermanfaat......

Jumat, 04 Mei 2012

Forex strategies for HMA and SMI

Forex strategies for HMA and SMI - the recommended interval for trade - 4 hours (H4), works best in currency pairs with the yen;

On the schedule set Forex indicators: HMA 25 and SMI (you can download at the end of the strategy).
Terms of Business Strategy Forex HMA and SMI:
Open a deal to Buy as soon as the line of the indicator rising HMA (colored in green) and SMI indicator crosses its signal (dotted) line from the bottom up, under these conditions, the indicator forex SMI should not be in overbought condition (be higher 70). If it is currently higher than 70, then the transaction must be concluded, after it falls below this level.

Starting a safety stop-loss should be placed under a local minimum.
When the profit of 100-150 points - portable stop-loss at break even.
The deal closed when the reverse lights.
For SELL - opposite conditions.


Forex Scalping Strategy on PSAR and MACD

This Forex Scalping Strategy on PSAR and MACD looking quite unpretentious, but it is working and is successfully used by traders who prefer Scalping Forex strategies - it uses only 2 forex indicator - MACD-combo (12,26,9) and Parabolic (PSAR) - peremetry standard.

Open trading positions in the case of coincidence of the two signals Forex indicators (the intersection of MACD and the jump point Parabolic (PSAR)). But the signals need to take into account only if they agree within the 1 st - 3rd bars after we point indicator PSAR!
Opens a trading position placed stop orders on the current point indicator Parabolic if MACD crossed paths first, or at the closing price of the bar, if the indicator PSAR go before gave the signal indicator MACD.
Time interval - I would advise at least 30 minutes, but it can be traded and 15 minutes.
Currency pair - any, of your choice.
Take Profit - display of 10-30 pips (on request can be very successful in using this strategy adviser “trailing stop of 1 item advisor for MT4” - which is very well exposes the deferred stop and with good interchanges actuated warrant in “zero” or trail them to the minimum distances, as well as automatic stop-loss and take-profit - that is actually running a counselor and click “OK” - you have to set the order with the specified parameters (previously prepared by this strategy), when receiving the signal in this strategy forex).
Stop-loss - I would recommend a place or under low or high the last candle, or under (over) the point of PSAR indicator or can determine for themselves the standard - for example, 15-20 s, but it is desirable that both teyk-profit was at least 2 times.
The graph, see examples of transactions:

 Download Forex Indicator for Metatrader 4 -  MACD-combo


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